"No bake - Marie Biscuit Cake"

"No bake - Marie Biscuit Cake"
  • Kissan Mixed Fruit Jam - 5 Spoons
  • Marie Biscuits - 8-10 pieces

Food and I are like bread and butter. There was nothing in the world else than food for me. From the age of 7-8 I started doing experiments on different delicacies. My First hands with two easy available ingredients:

Here goes the recipe:
1. Crush the Marie biscuits.
2. Add water to make a paste like a cake batter.
3. Put the batter on the plate.
4. Give a top layering of the jam.
5. Keep in the refrigerator for cooling.
Enjoy and remember your childhood memories of creation.


  1. Amazing 😍
    And cheers to all the hidden talents in you ❤️😘

    1. Thanks much you for your support 😊 it really motivates me!! 🤗🤗


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